Double primes and quotation marks
I first learned about type when completing my design degree at NSCAD in the ’70s. We were taught how to set type, i.e.: real little nuggets of lead. Heaven forbid if you ever dropped a case of 6 point type. The process was slow – very slow. But it was part of the exercise of […]
I can. Can you?

Elizabeth Peirce’s latest book, You can too!, is a cornucopia of canning, pickling, and preserving recipes, plus lots of really useful advice and stories from Maritime preservers. Working with Elizabeth on her second book was a delight – I designed and illustrated her first book Grow Organic too. Even sweeter was that she included my […]
Good design is good for business

I had some incredible news a few days ago. My amazing client Phoenix recently let me know that one of their long-time monthly donors had phoned them. He had called to say how much he enjoyed the recent donor report and he wanted to find out if Phoenix had broken the bank on producing it. […]
Edinburgh Celebrity City Guide

Did you ever want to know where J. K. Rowling was born? Or where Mary Queen of Scots spent her last night? Well, even if these questions didn’t keep you awake last night, and even if you are not planning a trip to Edinburgh, the newly published Edinburgh Celebrity City Guide is an intriguing read. […]
Seasoned book launch

Last week one of the books I designed for Nimbus Publishing was launched at the old Halifax Historic Farmers Market. Seasoned is a wonderful blend of recipes and stories by the veteran radio host Costas Halavresos. I was so happy to meet Costas at the launch and I’m really looking forward to trying his spices […]
Hyphens, Ens, and Ems
I think most designers have an inner control freak somewhere deep inside them. I know I do. And when it comes to the misuse of dashes, I kinda go off the deep end. Let me explain. Beautifully set type should enhance the written word and not make it difficult for the reader. But most people, whether […]