

We are off to southern Spain in a few weeks and I have been pouring over my stack of guide and hiking books. The Rough Guide to Andalucía is comprehensive at over 600 pages. My main complaint is that many of the maps are not orientated with the north arrow pointing up. The publishers do this to save valuable space, but I find it extremely awkward. Another annoyance is the use of very small, very thin, sans serif type set in one wide column – and yes, I’m wearing my glasses when reading.

The Lonely Planet Andalucía is more concise at 400 pages and leaves out some of the smaller towns and sites that we will be visiting. It is much more legible, the map north arrow is pointing up and it is typeset in two easy-to-read columns.

Now, if could only redesign the two books into one, I’d be one very happy guide book enthusiast.